The deeper truth about Lifestyle
The way you want to go may require a change of lifestyle and a change of lifestyle is no small thing. To actually do it and make it stick might not be possible if you're conditioned to feeling powerless. Have a look at the following questions and give them a chance to percolate a little before you take action :
Do you currently see yourself as a slave to impulse, to routine, to repetitive thoughts, feelings and emotions or avoidance ?
What are you like in the morning these days ?
How do you sleep at night ? - (If you have trouble sleeping, what keeps you awake ?)
What are your relationships like ?
How do you imagine the future, good, bad, indifferent, unknown or something else ?
To whom do you listen to and why ?
What do you default to when the stress hits you hard ?
Do you structure your day or do you go with the flow - does the day happen to you ?
How long has this been going on ?
Do you consider yourself to be effective where you need to be ?
Do you believe you are motivated to change ?
Where does empowerment fit in ?
Unless you feel empowered, then a lifestyle change and maintaining a new lifestyle might be a big leap. Maybe a leap further than you are capable of right now given the current restraints on your life.
Becoming empowered to change or modify your lifestyle is a significant thing but it's possible. When there’s family, friends and colleagues involved then the entire system will effectively change to some degree.